Datepicker Excel

  1. Date Picker Excel Office 365
  2. Date Picker Excel 2016
  3. Datepicker Excel X64
  4. Free Excel Date Picker

I have used mscomct2.ocx file to use a date picker in excel. You need to register it and can then easily use the date picker. Improve this answer. Follow answered Dec 30 '15 at 18:33. Vishesh Vishesh. 314 2 2 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. Pop up Calendar and date picker for Microsoft Excel. WinCalendar is also a free calendar that integrates with Microsoft Excel & Word. It works with any recent version of Microsoft Office (version 12-16). Features: Advanced scrolling perpetual calendar design for easy use (you can also navigate using your mouse's scroll wheel). Date Picker Calendar in Excel VBA. Oftentimes, users want to click a button and select a date. This is no different for Excel developers. Check out this ActiveX control by Microsoft that allows users to do just that. It’s a little old school looking, but actually has quite a nice feel to it.


Represents a Windows Forms DateTimePicker that can be added to a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet.


Date Picker Excel Office 365



The Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls.DateTimePicker is different from a System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker. The Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls.DateTimePicker has additional members that enable it to be added to an Excel worksheet and that give it additional methods and properties.

Do not use the New constructor to create a new DateTimePicker. Use the AddDateTimePicker method to add a new DateTimePicker to a worksheet.



Gets an Application object that represents the creator of the DateTimePicker.


Gets a Border that represents the border of the DateTimePicker.


Gets the distance, in points, between the bottom edge of the DateTimePicker and the top edge of the worksheet.


Gets a Range object that represents the cell that lies under the lower-right corner of the DateTimePicker.


Gets a value that indicates the application in which the DateTimePicker was created.


Gets or sets the height of the DateTimePicker.


Gets the index number of the DateTimePicker within the collection of OLEObjects on the sheet.


Gets an Interior object that represents the interior of the DateTimePicker.


Gets or sets the distance, in points, between the left edge of the DateTimePicker and the left edge of the worksheet.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the DateTimePicker can be modified at design time when the sheet is protected.


Gets a value that represents the OLE object type.


Gets the parent object for the DateTimePicker.


Gets or sets an object that indicates the way the DateTimePicker is attached to the cells below it.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the DateTimePicker is printed when the worksheet is printed.


Gets the distance, in points, between the right edge of the DateTimePicker and the left edge of the worksheet.


Gets a ShapeRange object that represents the DateTimePicker.


Gets or sets the link source name of the DateTimePicker.


Gets or sets the distance, in points, between the top edge of the DateTimePicker and the top edge of the worksheet.


Gets a Range object that represents the cell that lies under the upper-left corner of the DateTimePicker.


Gets or sets a value that represents whether the DateTimePicker is visible.


Gets or sets the width of the DateTimePicker in points.


Gets the z-order position of the DateTimePicker.



Activates the DateTimePicker.


Brings the DateTimePicker to the front of the z-order.

CopyPicture(XlPictureAppearance, XlCopyPictureFormat)

Copies the DateTimePicker to the Clipboard as a picture.


Deletes a dynamically created DateTimePicker from the worksheet and removes it from the ControlCollection.


Selects the DateTimePicker.


Sends the DateTimePicker to the back of the z-order.


Sets the DateTimePicker to the specified visible state.


Date Picker Excel 2016


Applies to

Datepicker Excel

Datepicker Excel X64

Exceldoesnothaveabuilt-indatepickertoenableuserstoeasilyenterdatestotheir Spreadsheet.Thisaddinisdesignedtoovercomethatshortcoming.ThisdatePickerwillworkin any version of Excel including 64-bit.

How to access the DatePicker

Theaddinwilltrytodetermineifacellneedsadateaddingbycheckingifthecellalready contains a date or is formatted as a date. IfthecolumnheadingcontainsthewordDatee.g.'DocumentDate'thentheDatePickerwill display when any cell in the Column is selected. The user can double click on any cell to open the DatePicker.ThereisalsoaTabaddedtotheDataTaboftheRibbonnamedDatePickerwhichcontainsa button to open the DatePicker.ThereisalsoaTimePickertotheaddinwhichworksverymuchliketheDatePickerbutforadding times.

Additional Tools

TheDatePickeraddinalsohasseveraladditionalusefultoolsavailablefromtheXLU controls added to the Data Tab of the Ribbon.1.A TimePicker to easily add a time into the selected cell.2.Add the current time to the selected cell. 3.Easily add a static Date Stamp using today's date.4.Easily add a static Date & Time stamp using today's date and the current time.5.Quickly convert dates stored as text to proper dates recognised by Excel.6.Add a small Calendar to the active sheet.7.Add a Yearly Calendar in a new sheet.Usingtheaddinyoucanquicklyproduceareportofallcellscontainingdatesordate functions.1.Select Date Report from the DTP button in the Data Tab of the Ribbon. 2.In the Date Report dialog box, select the scope for the date report, this can be for 3.either the active sheet or all the sheets in the active workbook.4.Click OK.Note:1.Thedatereportincludesallcellsthatcontaindatesandnon-datecellsthatuseanyofthe following date-related functions: DATE,DATEDIF,DATEVALUE,DAY,DAYS360,EDATE,EOMONTH,MONTH,NETWORKDAYS,NOW, TODAY, WEEKDAY, WORKDAY, YEAR and YEARFRAC. 2. The rows of the date report can be sorted or filtered by any column.

Free Excel Date Picker

I am finishing testing this addin and the tool will be available very soon.